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4 Strategic Communication Jobs for Graduates With a Master of Arts Degree from Northwest Missouri State University

Strategic communication is perhaps one of the most expansive career fields that modern graduates can enter. A precise communications strategy can make a decisive impact in many fields, from advertising and public relations to marketing and content writing. Though the potential job opportunities are diverse, any strategic communication professional needs certain skills and knowledge, like how to create content for social media, communicate during an organizational crisis and develop productive relationships with the news media.

A good option for aspiring strategic communicators, regardless of which specific job interests them, is an advanced degree program, like the online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Strategic Communication from Northwest Missouri State University. Among the most promising roles for graduates of Northwest’s program are corporate communications, outreach specialist, advertising strategist and copywriter.

What Is a Degree in Strategic Communication?

It is important to know what you can learn in a strategic communication M.A. program. According to Indeed, students who pursue strategic communications “often study various communication and business theories to understand and analyze the social influence and impact that governmental, corporate and fundraising organizations have on the public.” At Northwest, this includes the Theories in Strategic Communication course, which provides an overarching view of core communication theories, and the Brand Management and Public Relations course, which focuses on the media’s perspective on communication.

Strategic Communication Jobs

Unsurprisingly, qualified strategic communication professionals are in high demand, given how important public relations and reputation management are in the modern-day business world. The following jobs represent just a few of the popular work settings for graduates with an M.A. in strategic communication:

Corporate Communications

Corporate communications are the methods companies use to communicate with internal and external audiences. According to Indeed, these audiences are varied and include “customers, employees, stakeholders, the media, general public and regulatory bodies.”

Outreach Specialist

For those passionate about helping others through communication, an outreach specialist role might be an ideal choice. These professionals typically work for community-oriented organizations, helping craft important messages. An example is an outreach specialist who designs a public health awareness campaign for a nonprofit or an outreach program to connect at-risk populations with essential government services.

Advertising Strategist

Advertising is one possible focus for a marketing strategist. These strategic communicators develop marketing goals and steps to meet those goals. Marketing strategists might work for a single company, while freelance strategists build marketing strategies for a variety of clients.


Some graduates with a gift for words and an intuitive understanding of their impact might want to pursue a career in copywriting. “Copywriters have an understanding of their audience and know how to influence decision-making with words and suggestions,” according to Indeed.

Salaries for Jobs in Strategic Communication

The earning potential for different strategic communication roles can vary. For an employee with a job in corporate communications, the average yearly salary as of May 2024 was $78,697. The average salary for an outreach specialist is lower at $46,291 per year, though for advertising strategists, annual salary expectations are somewhat higher — $92,126 on average. Finally, the salary of a copywriter can vary widely: from $40,624 to $94,633 per year, according to Indeed, though the average for a full-time copywriter is $62,003 per year.

The outlook for strategic communication professions is bright, and graduates with an advanced degree will be well positioned to capitalize on developments in the field. Northwest’s online M.A. in Strategic Communication program offers an affordable, flexible pathway to this future.

Learn more about Northwest Missouri State University’s online M.A. in Strategic Communication program.

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